Greater Carleton County Fire & EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 2


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This feed covers VHF, UHF, and TMR for parts of VICTORIA, CARLETON, & YORK COUNTY

This feed broadcasts audio for Fire Departments & Medical Services in York, Carleton, and Victoria County. The feed includes the following fire departments; 

  1. Bath
  2. Centreville
  3. Debec
  4. Florenceville-Bristol
  5. Glassville
  6. Hartland
  7. Juniper
  8. Keswick-Ridge
  9. Keswick-Valley
  10. Lakeville
  11. North York
  12. Plaster Rock
  13. Tobique
  14. Woodstock


The feed also includes audio for the following;

Ambulance New Brunswick (Western 2)


The owner of this service does not approve nor disapprove of any message or content sent via the live audio feed provided. This service is for entertainment and should not be used for unlawful or unethical purposes. The owner of this service does not guarantee the accuracy of information communication by the live audio feed. All rights and privileges of any content herein belong to their respective owners. The owner of this feed does not take any liability for the actions of the respective listeners.