City of Reading Fire/EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 5


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Only includes City of reading - Fire / EMS channels no police & no county channels.

This feed provides all City Of Reading Talk Groups within the Reading Fire Department.

28101    6dc5    T    Rdg EMSDisp    EMS Dispatch    EMS Dispatch
28102    6dc6    T    Rdg EMSOps1    EMS Incident Operations 1    EMS-Tac
28103    6dc7    T    Rdg EMSOps2    EMS Incident Operations 2    EMS-Tac
28201    6e29    T    Rdg FireCmd    Fire Command    Fire-Tac
28202    6e2a    T    Rdg FireDisp    Fire Dispatch - Patched to 154.430    Fire Dispatch
28203    6e2b    T    Rdg FireOps1    Fire Incident Operations 1    Fire-Tac
28204    6e2c    T    Rdg FireOps2    Fire Incident Operations 2    Fire-Tac
28205    6e2d    T    Rdg FireOps3    Fire Incident Operations 3    Fire-Tac
28206    6e2e    T    Rdg FireOps4    Fire Incident Operations 4    Fire-Tac