Utah Highway Patrol
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Salt Lake County Dispatch, Utah County Dispatch, UHP Cedar North, UHP Cedar South, UHP Duchesne, UHP Juab, UHP Price North, UHP Price South, UHP Sevier North, UHP Sevier South, UHP Vernal, UHP Virgin.

Utah Highway Patrol Dispatch Feeds From Major Counties located in the state of Utah

Salt Lake County Dispatch, Utah County Dispatch, UHP Cedar North, UHP Cedar South, UHP Duchesne, UHP Juab, UHP Price North, UHP Price South, UHP Sevier North, UHP Sevier South, UHP Vernal, UHP Virgin.

*Equipment used:

Scanner: Uniden BC796D TrunkTracker IV

Software: DarkIce

Operating System: Raspberry Pi OS

PC Specs: Raspberry Pi Model B+

**Additional notes about feed:

Feed is trunked analog Motorola Type II SmartZone on site #003 using control frequency 853.1125 mhz, no encrypted talk groups.

***Utah Highway Patrol uses 10 codes here is a listing:

10-0 Caution 10-35 Reserved 10-70 Fire Alarm
10-1 Signal Weak 10-36 Security Check 10-71 Nature Of Fire
10-2 Signal Good 10-37 F.I. File Check 10-72 Progress Report On Fire
10-3 Stop Transmitting 10-38 Treasury Detail 10-73 Rape
10-4 Affirmative (OK) 10-39 Urgent Use Lights & Siren(code 3) 10-74 Civil Disturbance
10-5 Relay (To) 10-40 Silent Run, No Lights(code 1) 10-75 Domestic Problem
10-6 Busy Unless Urgent 10-41 Beginning Tour Of Duty 10-76 Meet Complainant
10-7 Out Of Service (On Break) 10-42 Ending Tour Of Duty 10-77 In Station
10-8 Back In Service 10-43 Shuttle 10-78 Back Up ____
10-9 Say Again 10-44 Permission To Leave 10-79 Notify Coroner
10-10 Negative 10-45 Animal Carcass At ____ 10-80 Vehicle Pursuit 
10-11 Is ____ On Duty? 10-46 Assist Motorist 10-81 Breathalyzer Report
10-12 Stand By 10-47 Suspicious Vehicle/Person/Incident 10-82 Prisoner In Custody
10-13 Existing Conditions 10-48 Disturbing The Peace 10-83 Confidential Information
10-14 Information 10-49 Traffic Light Out At ____ 10-84 Visitors Present
10-15 Message Delivered 10-50 Traffic Accident (PD, PI, F) 10-85 Victim(s) Condition
10-16 Reply To Message 10-51 Wrecker Needed Alpha = Fair
10-17 Enroute 10-52 Ambulance Needed Bravo = Poor
10-18 Urgent 10-53 Traffic Control Charlie = Critical
10-19 Station/headquarters 10-54 Change To Channel ____ Delta = Possible Fatality
10-20 Location 10-55 Intoxicated Driver Echo = Obvious Fatality
10-21 Call ____ By Phone 10-56 Intoxicated Pedestrian 10-86 Crime In Progress
10-22 Disregard 10-57 Hit and Run (PD, PI, F) 10-87 Abandoned Car
10-23 Arrived At Scene 10-58 Airplane Crash 10-88 Gun/Weapon Found 
10-24 Assignment Complete 10-59 Reckless Driver 10-89 Bomb Threat
10-25 Report To ____ (Meet) 10-60 Traffic Stop 10-90 Bank Alarm At ____
10-26 Estimated Time Of Arrival 10-61 Motor Inspection 10-91 Burglary
10-27 Driver Lic/Permit Info 10-62 Stolen Vehicle 10-92 Theft
10-28 Vehicle Ownership Info 10-63 Prepare To Copy 10-93 Unnecessary Use Of Radio
10-29 Wants/Warrants Check 10-64 Vandalism 10-94 Contact Your Home
10-30 Danger/Caution 10-65 Juvenile Problem 10-95 Out At Home
10-31 Pick Up ____ 10-66 Major Crime Alert 10-96 Mental Subject
10-32 ____ Units Needed 10-67 Paper Service 10-97 Test Signal
10-33 Emergency Help 10-68 Runaway Juvenile 10-98 Prison Break
10-34 What Time Is It? 10-69 Missing Person 10-99 Wanted/Stolen Indicated