Midcoast Maine Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 4


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This feed provides scanner traffic for the following: Knox Co. EMS, Fire, and Sheriff's Department. Waldo Co EMS, Fire, Sheriff's Department Belfast, Searsport, and Stockton PD Bucksport PD, EMS, and Fire Hampden PD, EMS, and Fire State Police

Includes Police, Fire, and EMS for Knox County, Waldo County, Bucksport, and Hampden Maine.

153.995 Knox County Sheriff Dept
152.200 Knox Fire/EMS


156.1875 Waldo County EMS/Fire South
154.725 State Police Augusta/Local Depts
156.030 Waldo County Sheriff Office
155.662 Montville Primary
155.385 Waldo County Fire North
159.105 Waldo County CC1 - Belfast
154.310 State Fire Channel
155.825 Waldo County CC1 - Frankfort
155.760 Waldo County EMA Tactical
156.1425 Waldo County EMA