Bar Harbor, MDI and Acadia Police, Fire, EMS, Park R...
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Acadia National Park and all the surrounding communities public service organizations.

Included are all the major public safety agency radio frequecies on Mount Desert Island and nearby towns:

AcadiaRanger        172.6125 - Acadia NP Ranger "Dispatch".  A few transmissions will be scrambled.

AcadiaIsleAuHaut    169.9875
ANP Law Ops         172.6250
BarHarFDDisp        155.9550 - Bar Harbor Fire Department
MDI SAR             155.1600 - MDI Search and Rescue
MtDsrtPDDisp        169.7750 - Town of Mt Desert Police
MD FIRE Ops         155.2050 - Town of Mt Desert Fire
NEH Rpt             154.9800 - Northeast Harbor Repeater for public service
SwHarbPDDisp        155.6850 - Southwest Harbor Police
SWHFDEMS            154.2200 - Southwest Harbor Fiure
TrmntFD Disp        153.8000  - Tremont Fire Department
Tremont Fire Rpt    151.1675
Lamoine FD          154.2050  - Lamoin Fire Department
MDI FIRE            173.7625
Trenton Fire Tac    153.9650 - Tenton Fire Department
Airport Fire        151.0550 - BHB Fire Department
Marine 16           156.8000 - Sometimes interesting marine radio traffic around Bar Harbor

Versant Operations 462.4000, 451.1000, 461.0500