Butler Wisconsin Regional Railroads
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° Normal = UP, WSOR, CN, CPKC And AMTK. * Priority = NWS ~ Emergency Alert System. ☆Radio Feed Information, In Feed Details.☆
--------------------------▪︎FEED DETAILS ▪︎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN
SUBDIVISION`S MONITORED---------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎UNION PACIFIC "UP" - { 04 Subdivisions } Dispatcher's Office Omaha, NE > Dispatcher 43 > 01 Subdivision > {ADAMS Subdivision : AAR-52 , Note ! Mile Post 00 starts at St.Paul and ends at Butler Jct. West Wye Mile Post 312} > Marcy (MP 308) *Detector MP 298.4* Rock (MP 286) *Detector
MP 268.8* Clyman Jct. (MP 276) • {Clyman Sub} > (MP 140-MP 117) • - Dalton (MP 240) *Detector MP 236
2* Oxford (MP 221) *Detector
MP 212.1* Adams (MP 201) Dispatcher Northeast > 03 Subdivision's > {MILWAUKEE : AAR-25 ,62,80}*Main 1 & 2 MP 0.0 - MP 30 & MP 76 - MP 96* > Proviso Yard (CPNO 00) - Deval (MP 12) >X CN Waukesha Sub - Shermer Jct. + X (MP 17) > CPKC C&M Sub *Detector MP 22.5* KO Jct. (CPN0 29) > Kenosha Sub - Park city (MP 35) - Gurnee (MP 38)*Detector MP 44.2*Waxdale (MP 61) *Detector MP 63.2* Airport (CPNO 76) > Mains 1&2 < (CPNO 79) - St.Francis Jct. South Wye (CPN0 80) > Kenosha Sub *Detector MP 80.4* St.Frances Jct. North wye (CPNO 80) • {National Spur} > (MP80 - MP 83) • - St.Frances Jct. West Wye (CPNO 80) > Mains 1&2 - Mitchell Yard (MP 84) - Belton Jct. North Wye (Mp 88) • {Waukesha Spur} > (MP 09-MP 14) • *Dragging equipment detector MP 93.0* - *Division Headquarters* > Butler Yard [Burleighs MP 93, Shorties MP 94 and Hamptons MP 95.4 are main line yard lead cross overs. { Tavern Legaue Live Rail Cam MP 95.3 } Highstand north yard 30 trk lead MP 95.9] - Butler Jct. South Wye (CPN0 96) > Mains 1&2 - {KENOSHA : AAR-62} *Metra operates between MP 00 & MP 51* > Chicago { Steel-Highway Live Rail Cam MP 00 } - Lake Bluff Jct. (CPN0 30) > Milwaukee Sub - Waukegan (MP 35) *Detector MP 46.1• Kenosha (MP 51) - (CPNO 67) - Oakcreek (MP 69.6) WE Powerplant - Cudahy (MP 78) - St. Francis Jct. South Wye (CPN0 80) > Milwaukee Sub , {SHORELINE : AAR-25} Butler Jct. East Wye (CPN0 97) > *Detector MP 100.2* Wiscona Jct. (CPN0 102) • {Granville Spur} > (MP 92-MP 99) • *Detector MP 128.6* Belgium (MP 131) - Edgewater Jct. (MP 146) WE Powerplant - Kohler Jct. (MP 149) > WSOR - Switch jobs are 01, 65 etc. Note ! Locals are 51, 53 etc. Road trains are phonetically listed , some include a number CWSAT, MALG3, MCHAL etc.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎WISCONSIN & SOUTHERN "WSOR/WAMX" - { 03
Subdivisions } Dispatcher's Office Wichita KS > AAR-31 {*North Prairie tower Madison / Janesville Region, Covers WAUKESHA Subdivision MP 20-MP 60 and FOX LAKE Subdivision MP 49.5-MP 98.5*} {MILWAUKEE Subdivision} > Grand Avenue Jct. (MP 87) > CPKC Watertown Sub - Glendale Yard > North Milwaukee (MP 92) Note ! Switch jobs are Y201, Y202 etc , locals are L241, L247 etc. - Junction Switch (MP 93) • {PLYMOUTH Sububdivision} > (Cedarburg MP 106 - Saukville MP 113 - Plymouth MP 139 - Keil MP 151- Jct. CN) • - Granville Jct. (MP 101) *Milwaukee area yard office* > UP Granville Sub - DBR Jct. (MP 103) • {WESTBEND Subdivision} > (Rockfield MP 105 - Jackson MP 110 - Rusco MP 114) • - Rugby (MP 113) - Ackerville (MP 117) > CN Interchange - Slinger Jct. (MP 117.65) > CN Waukesha Sub { Steel-Highway Live Rail Cam MP 117.65 } Iron Ridge Jct. (MP 132) • {Mayville Spur} > (MP 132 - Mayville MP 140) • - Horicon Yard (MP 140) Note ! Locals are L501, L599 etc. Road trains are T1, T3 etc.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎CANADIAN NATIONAL "CN" - { 03 Subdivisions } RTC's Office = "Rail Traffic Controller" Homewood IL > • Desk 15 & 12 = covers AAR-15,45 NEENAH Subdivision : MP 160 - MP 249 & FOX RIVER Subdivision : MP 208
{ Tavern Leauge Live Rail Cam MP 242.9 } MP 243 - Note ; Heard only during proper atmospheric conditions • Desk 11,12 & 15 = {WAUKESHA Subdivision : AAR-54,72,79,91} *Metra operates between MP 15 & MP 55* > North *Fondulac Division Headquarters* (MP 158) { Tavern Leauge Live Rail Cam MP156.1 } *Detector MP 144.6* - *Detector MP 131.2* Spur 126 (MP 126) *Detector MP 123.14* { Steel-Highway Live Rail Cam MP 122.5 } Slinger Jct. (MP 122.5) > WSOR Milwaukee Sub - Ackerville (MP 120) > WSOR Interchange - Rugby (MP 118) *Detector MP 108.8* Duplainville X (MP 102) > CPKC Watertown Sub - Grand Avenue Jct. (MP 97) > WSOR Waukesha Sub *Detector MP 94.0* - *Detector MP 86.15* Midway (MP 75) *Detector MP 78.7* Nestle (MP 70) *Detector MP 64.5* Antioc (MP 55) *Detector MP 54.3* - *DRL Detector MP 49.4* Grayslake Jct.+X (MP 44) > CPKC Foxlake Sub *Detector MP 39.8* Trafton Jct.+X (MP 38) > Leithton Sub (MP 60-MP 00) *Detector MP 28.6* Deval X X (MP23) > UP Milwaukee & Harvard Sub's - Tower B-12 Jct.+ X (MP 15) > CPKC Elgin Sub *DRL Detector MP 13.9* - *Detector MP 11.1* Madison Street Jct. (MP10) > CSXT.
Note ! Locals are L504, L510 etc , road trains are phonetic with numbers M349, Q118 etc.
Also all trains are required to announce location along with upcoming restrictions at mile posts ending in 5.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎CANADIAN PACIFIC KANSAS CITY / AMTRAK "CPKC-AMTK" - { 02 Subdivisions } Dispatcher's Office Minneapolis MN > C&M Dispatcher = {C&M Subdivision : AAR-44} *Metra operates between MP 00 & MP 32* > Chicago (MP 00) * - Pacific Jct. (MP 5.4 > Elgin Sub MP 5.7 - MP 40) - Shermer Jct. + X (MP 9.0) > UP Milwaukee Sub *Detector MP 22.5* Rondout (MP 32) *Detector MP 36.8* Truesdell (MP 52) *Detector MP 57.6* Caledonia (MP 69) *Detector MP 72.7* Lake (MP 77) - *Muskego Yard office* (MP 85) - Cutoff (MP 86) Wisconsin Dispatcher = {WATERTOWN Subdivision : AAR-84,94} > Grand Avenue Jct. (MP 87) > WSOR Milwaukee Sub - { Steel Highway Live Rail Cam MP 90.6 } - Duplainville (MP 102) > X CN Waukesha Sub *Detector MP 108.2* Nashota (MP113) { Tavern League Live Rail Cam MP 117.95 } *Detector MP 118.0* - Cooney (MP121) - Watertown Jct. + X (MP 131) X > UP Clyman Sub • Jct. > WSOR Watertown Sub - *Detector MP 139.3*
Tamarack (MP 143) { Steel Highway Live Rail Cam MP 156.1 } Dodge West (MP 157) - *Detector MP 159.9*-*Detector MP 172.3* Portage (MP 178). Note ! Trains are variously numbered 141, 249 etc also all trains are required to respond on radio with defect detector readings along with upcoming restrictions.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎AMTRAK ; Passenger trains are governed by and operate over the CPKC - *same as above* ; AMTK > Empire Builder (Chicago <-> Seattle) : 7,8 /
Borealis (Chicago <-> Minneapolis) : 1333,1340 /
Hiawatha Commuters (Chicago
<-> Milwaukee) ; Northbound : 329,331,335,337,339,341,343 / Southbound : 330,332,334,336,338,342.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ELEMENTS OF THE RADIO FEED >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS " AAR " ▪︎
THIS FEEDS 14 - REGIONAL MAIN LINE AAR CHANNELS ; 15/160.335-(CN) , 25/160.485-(UP) , 31/160.575-(WSOR/WAMX), 44/160.770-(CPKC/AMTK) , 45/160.785-(CN) , 52/160.890-(UP) , 54/160.920-(CN) , 62/161.040-(UP) , 72/161.190-(CN) , 79/161.295-(CN) , 80/161.310-(UP) , 84/161.370-(CPKC/AMTK) , 91/161.475-(CN) , 94/161.520-(CPKC/AMTK).‐‐‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depending on terrain and transmitter strength, feed generaly receives various base station units within 50 miles and various mobile units within 20 miles of Butler, WI
USA. Note ! Extended coverage beyond 50 miles may occure during skywave atmospheric conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎RADIO SET-UP ;
Astron RS20A powering a Motorola CM 300 narrowband vhf receiver with 14 AAR channels in tandem with a Kenwood 1 channel TKR 7150 (NOAA/NWS~EAS) vhf repeater as priority over AAR channels.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‐-----------------------------------------------------------▪︎ANTENNA SET-UP ; RG8 coax with N connectors out to Rohn 25G tower with Sinclair 2 bay omni directional dipole antenna at height of 60 feet.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎SOFTWARE ; Feed operates 24/7 - 365 thru a dedicated Hewlett Packard broadband server, with direct feed to Broadcastify. Located in Butler , Wisconsin USA - (Central Standard Time)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▪︎FEED ARCHIVES ;
All radio traffic is recorded in condensed 30 minute segments 24/7 - 365 and are retrevable thru Feed Archives . To hear desired radio traffic first select Feed Archives then select date and time - (CST)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‐-----------------------------------▪︎ NOAA • NWS~EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM ;
Emergency Alert System repeater operates courtesy of the National Weather Service Milwaukee a divison of NOAA, which broadcasts as KEC60 on 162.400 Mhz. "NWS" covers 11 counties within the southeastern Wisconsin region 24/7 - 365, the alert is rebroadcast thru on-site vhf 5 watt repeater. The emergency alert is set as priority but remains in stand by mode until activated by "NWS" for the issuance of watches or warnings . There is also a weekly alert test conducted by "NWS" on Wednesdays around noon - (CST)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FCC NWS Retransmit Regulation (47 CFR ~ 73.1207)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feel free to discuss any railroad or weather related radio transmission's heard here, at this radio feed discussion group ;---------------------------------------------------------------------< www.groups.io/g/butlerwirr >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< youtube@butlerwirr5511 >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< See us on X >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Established : 04/22/2023 -----
Last updated : 03/30/2025