Belmont Fire EMS, Marshall, Ohio County WV Fire EMS ...
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Belmont County Ohio -
Bridgeport FTAC
Barnsville FTAC
Neffs FTAC
Martins Ferry FTAC
Shadyside FTAC
Cumberland Trail FTAC
Fire Tac Channels 1 - 5

Marshall County West Virgina -
Marshall County Fire Dispatch
Marshall County EMS Dispatch
Marshall County Law Enforcement Dispatch
Benwood Police Department
McMechen Police Department
Cameron Police Department
Glen Dale Police Department
Moundsville Police Department
Marshall County FTAC 1
Marshall County FTAC 2
Glen Dale Fire Dispatch
Moundsville Fire Dispatch


Ohio County West Virgina -
Ohio County Fire Dispatch
Ohio County Law Dispatch
Wheeling Police Dispatch
Wheeling Fire Dispatch
Ohio County FTAC 2,3
Wheeling FTAC 2,3
Clearview VFD
Triadelphia VFD
Valley Grove VFD
West Lib VFD

Brooke County West Virgina
Brooke County Fire Dispatch
Brooke County Police Dispatch
Brooke County EMS Dispatch

West Virgina Stat Troop 1 Command

Station listings details and extra informations


Belmont County FD:

Station 11: Barnesville EMS
Station 12: Barnesville FD
Station 13: Barton
Station 14: Beallsville FD (Monroe County)
Station 15: Beallsville EMS (Monroe County)
Station 16: Bellaire (FD only)
Station 17: Belmont
Station 18: Bethesda
Station 19: Bridgeport
Station 21: Brookside
Station 22: Colerain
Station 23: Cumberland Trail (Also ID’d by 23-2, which covers the mall area)
Station 24: Flushing
Station 25: Glencoe
Station 26: Holloway
Station 27: Lafferty
Station 28: Martins Ferry
Station 29: Maynard
Station 31: Morristown (FD only)
Station 32: Neffs (also covers EMS for Bellaire)
Station 33: Powhatan Point
Station 34: Rock Hill
Station 35: Shadyside (also known as OR&W)
Station 36: Smith Township
Station 37: Somerton
Station 38: Spirit of ‘76
Station 39: Sunset Heights
Station 41: Wolfhurst

Notes: Bridgeport, Martins Ferry and Shadyside occasionally run mutual aid with Yorkville, since half of Yorkville is in Belmont County.  Yorkville is ID’d as Station 84.


HQ – 2126 Market Street, houses Ladder 1, Engine 2, Engine 8 (spare) and Squad 7.  Covers North Wheeling, East Wheeling, downtown and Center Wheeling to 27th Street.

Station 2 – 801 Main Street, houses Rescue 1, Squad 1 and Squad 4.  Covers entire city.

Station 4 – 3618 Jacob Street, houses Engine 4, Squad 3, and a UTV.  Covers South Wheeling from 27th Street to edge of city (48th Street).

Station 5 – 11 N. Wabash Street, houses Engine 5, Ladder 6, Truck 5 (spare), Ladder 13 (only used for ceremonies and is kept at the bus garage on S. Huron) and 3 boats.  Covers Wheeling Island and Main Street from 9th to 12th.  They are also occasionally dispatched to fire alarms at the hospital and Wheeling University also.

Station 9 – 1301 Richland Avenue, houses Engine 9, Engine 3 (spare).  Covers Warwood from River Rd. to edge of city (Pike Island Dam).

Station 10 – 298 Poplar Avenue, houses Engine 10, Squad 2 and Engine 12 (spare).  Covers from the foot of Wheeling Hill (National Road at Generations), east to Wheeling Park. 

Station 11 – 139 East Bethlehem Boulevard, houses Engine 11.  Also storage for the Fire Safety House and is where maintenance is done.  Covers east from Wheeling Park and all of Elm Grove. 

Important codes/lingo:

Public service – call on the phone
Code 18 – DOA
Code 99 – Full cardiac arrest, usually patient is unconscious, unresponsive and/or not breathing, and CPR is in progress.
10/96 – All hands working structure fire. 

Ohio County:

20 – Bethany
30 – Stone Church
40 – West Liberty
50 – Valley Grove
60 – Triadelphia
70 – Mozart
80 – Clearview
90 – Bethlehem

Ohio County EMS responds to calls at the Highlands and immediate surrounding area, they are stationed at the Highlands.  They also use Tri-State on occasion, mostly when there is a structure fire that is 10/96 or higher, as Tri-State usually covers Marshall County.  

Ohio County usually dispatches by station name vs. station number, they generally only start using station numbers once members are out on the call.

You will also occasionally hear Bethany or McKinleyville dispatched from Brooke County and Limestone, Dallas, Mount Olivet and Sherrard dispatched on Ohio County calls.

Marshall County:

400 – Glen Dale
500 – Moundsville
600 – Washington Lands
700 – Limestone (also covers some Ohio County as needed)
800 – Cameron
1100 – McMechen
1200 – Fork Ridge
1300 – Benwood
1400 – Mt. Olivet
1500 - Sherrard
1600 – Roberts Ridge
1700 – St. Joseph
1800 – Dallas
4095/4096 – Glen Dale EMS
1191/1192 – McMechen EMS
1895 – Dallas EMS
9100/9190/9191/9192/9193 – Marshall County EMS (Moundsville)
9300/9390/9391 – Limestone EMS
9400/9491/9492 – Marshall County EMS (Cameron)

Like Ohio County, Marshall County generally dispatches by station name rather than number, other than Moundsville and occasionally Marshall County EMS, and only when members respond do they start going by station numbers.  Ohio County stations like Bethlehem and Valley Grove will occasionally get dispatched with Dallas, Limestone, Sherrard or Mount Olivet.  



Feed is using SDRTrunk combined with 6 RTL SDR dongles. Recording and Stream feed to Broadcastify via Trunking Recorder. 

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