Georgetown Police and Fire, Groveland Fire, Haverhil...
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Georgetown Fire 154.325 PL 114.8
Georgetown Police 4842625 PL 146.2
Haverhill Fire 154.3625 P25 Digital 641
Groveland Fire 154.8675 P 25 Digital 521
Groveland FDTAC 154.8675 PL 82.5
HAVE ADDED AREA FIRE AND POLICE See Notes Section for towns
Georgetown Fire 154.325 PL
Georgetown Police 484.26250
Newbury Fire 153.815
Groveland Fire 154.8675
Groveland Fire Digital 154.8675 P 25
Haverhill Fire 154.3625 P 25
Boxford Fire 482.500
Rowley Fire 154.295
Newburyport Fire 158.955
West Newbury Fire 151.7975
Salisbury Fire 153.3125
Merrimac Fire 151.6625
District 5 and 15 154.070
Amesbury Fire 155.8725