146.670 South East Mississippi ARES and 147.315 Repe...
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South East Mississippi ARES Repeaters 146.670 and 147.315 in support of severe weather events and othe public Service events such as 5K and half marathons etc. This feed will scan and provide feed to first repeater with Transmissions 146.670 wis a higher traffic repeater.

Every Wed Night at 9:00pm the South East ARES Emergency Training net will take place on 146.670 (-) PL 136.5 Tone

Every sunday night at 8:45 pm on 147.315 (+) 136.5 Tone is the Alma emegency training net 

Every sunday night at 9:00 pm on 146.775 (-) 136.5 Tone is the Pine Belt Amateur Radio Club Training net on a different feed.


146.670 is a genaeral use repater for the Pine Belt Amateur radio club and area operators in Hattiesburg Mississippi, and in the event of severe weather a net will be activated for tracking storms and taking traffic and damage reports.