Luzerne County Fire - Fire South and Operations Chan...
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Luzerne County Pa Fire South P25 simulcast.
Fire South TG 1002
Fire Ops 1 TG 1008
Fire Ops 2 TG 1009
Fire Ops 3 TG 1010
Fire Ops 4 TG 1011
Fire Ops 5 TG 1012
Fire Ops 6 TG 1013
Fire Ops 7 TG 1014
Fire Ops 8 TG 1015
This includes lower Luzerne County Fire South TG and tactical TG's. No dispatch or EMS or Pd. This includes Hazleton, Hazle Twp. West Hazleton, Freeland, Foster Twp. Sugarloaf, Valley Regional, Harwood, White Haven, Dennison and areas around Mountaintop.