KA0KDW AllStar Link (Node# 54111)
Feed Status:
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the start of this feed.
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Live broadcast of KA0KDW AllStar Link Node 54111
Live broadcast of KA0KDW AllStar Link Node 54111
Nets heard regularly on this feed (All times are in US/Central)
- Amateur Radio NewsLine: Sunday at 1400
- Polk County ARC Net: Monday at 1900
- SkyWarn Training Net: Tuesday at 1900
- North American TalkBox Net: Tuesday at 2000
- Missouri DMR Net: Wednesday at 1930
- Beacon Net: Wednesday at 2030
- Nixa Amateur Radio Club Net: Thursday at 1930
- Region D ARES VHF/UHF Net: Friday at 1930
During severe weather impacting the 37 counties served by the Springfield, Missouri NWS Office the system will be linked to the SWMO SkyWarn DMR/P25 talk group and the nets listed above will not be heard.