Jackson County and Hillsdale County Public Safety
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Jackson Michigan Neighbors Watch Group
WXK81 NOAA Weather | Onondaga Mi | 162.400 Mhz:
Statewide Regional Common/Interop
CMENCOM Central Michigan Emergency Network: Common
MEPSS1 Statewide Emergency 1
MEPSS2 Statewide Emergency 2
INTRDST Inter-District - Dispatch Center to Dispatch Center
38/46PGHAZMAT Jackson/Lenawee HazMat Team Paging
Jackson County (38)
Common/Interop Talkgroups
38COM Countywide Common (Mutual Aid all agencies)
38EMER Emergency Scene (All Radios)
38SPEV1 Special Events 1 (All Radios)
38SPEV2 Special Events 2 (All Radios)
38SPEV3 Special Events 3 (All Radios)
Law Enforcement Talkgroups
38JCPD911 Central 9-1-1 Police: Jackson City Dispatch
38P911 Central 9-1-1 Police: County Dispatch
38CT Columbia Twp. Police Proprietary
38BT Blackman Twp. DPS Proprietary
UNFCP1 Freeway Courtesy Patrol 1
Fire/Rescue Talkgroups
38F911 Central 9-1-1 Fire: Dispatch
38FG01 Countywide Fireground 1
38FG02 Countywide Fireground 2
38FG03 Countywide Fireground 3
38FG04 Countywide Fireground 4
38FG05 Countywide Fireground 5
38COL RES Columbia Twp. Fire: Rescue Paging
38CT RES Concord Fire: Rescue Paging
38GL RES Grass Lake Fire: Rescue Paging
38HT RES Henrietta Twp Fire: Rescue Paging
38HAN RES Hanover Twp. Fire: Rescue Paging
38LT RES Liberty Twp. Fire: Rescue Paging
38PARSAND RES Parma-Sandstone Fire: Rescue Paging
38SP RES Springport Fire: Rescue Paging
38PGMET1 Metro One Paging
38PG RESCUE Blackman/Leoni Twp. Fire/Rescue Paging
38PG JC Jackson City Fire: Paging
38PG JC AC Jackson City Fire: All-Call Paging
38PG RIVES-RESC Rives-Tompkins Fire: Rescue Paging
38PG BT LEONI Blackman and Leoni Twp: All-Call Paging
38PG WX Central 9-1-1 Fire: Countywide Weather Alerts
38PG COL Columbia Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG CON Concord Fire and Rescue: Paging
38PG GL Grass Lake Fire and Rescue: Paging
38PG HEN Henrietta Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG HAN Hanover Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG JAC Jackson City Fire: Paging
38PG LT Liberty Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG NAP Napoleon Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG Central 9-1-1 Fire: Paging
38PG PT Pulaski Twp. Fire/Rescue: Paging
38PG PARSAND Parma-Sandstone Fire: Paging
38PG RT Rives - Tompkins Twp. Fire/Rescue Paging
38PG SAT Spring Arbor Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG SP Springport Fire and Rescue: Paging
38PG SUM Summit Twp. Fire: Paging
38PG Central 9-1-1 Fire: Paging
Hillsdale County (30)
30COM Countywide Common (Mutual Aid all agencies)
30P911 Police Dispatch [Patched from 155.310 MHz]
30F911 Fire Dispatch
30EMER1 Emergency Scene 1
30ERT1 Sheriff's Dept Emergency Response Team 1
30ERT2 Sheriff's Dept Emergency Response Team 2
State Police District 1 - Central/South Region
D1EAC South/Central Region: Emergency All Call (Emergency Broadcasts)
REGD1N Central Region: Dispatch (Posts 11 / 12)
REGD1S South Region: Dispatch (Posts 13 / 14)
D1SPARE1 South/Central Posts 11, 12, 13, 14 Spare 1
D13POST Post 13: Jackson: Car-to-Car
MC13 Post 13: Jackson: Motor Carrier Enforcement
K9-1 (SO25) Aviation Division / K9 Teams
Statewide Aeronautical Medical
AIR LZ 1 Air Landing Zone Coordination 1
AIR LZ 2 Air Landing Zone Coordination 2
39WMAC West Michigan Aircare [Based out of Kalamazoo]
81UMSF University of Michigan: Survival Flight
81UMSF PAGE University of Michigan: Survival Flight Paging
PROMED1 ProMedica Air 1 [Based out of Toledo, Ohio]
PROMED2 ProMedica Air 2 [Based out of Toledo, Ohio]
MDOT UNVJXN Jackson County
MDOT UNVJXN2 Jackson County 2