Charlottesville and UVA Transit
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42000a41DCAT MainMain Transportation
42032a43DCAT EmergEmergency Transportation
42064a45DCAT EventsEvents Transportation
42096a47DCAT SupvSupervisors Transportation
42128a49DCAT SecondrySecondary Transportation 


42352 a57 D UVA UTS Disp University Transit Services Dispatch  Transportation 
42384 a59 D UVA UTS Emrg University Transit Services Emergency  Transportation 
42416 a5b D UVA UTS Evts University Transit Services Events  Transportation 
42448 a5d D UVA UTS TC1 University Transit Services Traffic Control 1  Transportation 
42480 a5f D UVA UTS TC2 University Transit Services Traffic Control 2  Transportation 
42512 a61 D UVA UTS Supv University Transit Services Supervisors  Transportation