Nacogdoches Public Safety
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This feed broadcasts Nacogdoches County, Texas public safety agencies, including Police, Sheriff, Fire, SFASU, and more.
This feed broadcasts public safety frequencies in Nacogdoches County, Texas. Most agencies now use the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Project 25 Phase II trunking system or the Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) system. Nacogdoches County EMS is the exception, using a traditional NFM analog repeater. Below are the scanned agencies and their talkgroup ID (TGID):
- City of Nacogdoches
- Nacogdoches Police Department (15528)
- Nacogdoches ISD Police Department (15552)
- Nacogdoches Fire Department (15510)
- Nacogdoches Fire Operations (15515)
- Nacogdoches Emergency Management (15506)
- Nacogdoches Animal Control (15509)
- Nacogdoches County
- Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Department (15543)
- Nacogdoches County Volunteer Fire (20012)
- Nacogdoches County EMS (152.375 MHz)
- Stephen F. Austin State University
- SFASU Police Department (15544)
- SFASU Special Events (15560)