Schenectady County and City Fire and EMS (Digital)
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Includes all County Fire/EMS and City Fire P25

This feed is monitoring all Fire and EMS Talkgroups on the Schenectady County P25 Phase II Trunked System, monitoring on the Schenectady County Simulcast.

Talkgroups Streaming

DEC  HEX  Mode   Alpha Tag Description Tag  
10301 283d T SC FD Dispatch Fire Dispatch  Fire Dispatch 
10302 283e T SC FD Ops 2 Fire Ops 2  Fire-Tac 
10303 283f T SC FG 2 Fireground 2  Fire-Tac 
10304 2840 T SC FD Ops 3 Fire Ops 3  Fire-Tac 
10306 2842 T SC FD Ops 4 Fire Ops 4  Fire-Tac 
10307 2843 T SC FG 4 Fireground 4  Fire-Tac 
10308 2844 T SC FD Ops 5 Fire Ops 5  Fire-Tac 
10310 2846 T SC FD Ops 6 Fire Ops 6  Fire-Tac 
10312 2848 T SC FD Ops 7 Fire Ops 7  Fire-Tac 
10313 2849 T SC FD Ops 8 Fire Ops 8  Fire-Tac 
10317 284d T SC EMS Ops 1 EMS Ops 1  EMS-Tac 
10318 284e T SC EMS Ops 2 EMS Ops 2  EMS-Tac 
10319 284f T SC EMS Tac EMS Tac  EMS-Tac 
10320 2850 T SC RIT 2 Secondary RIT  Fire-Tac 
10507 290b T SC FG 1 Fireground 1  Fire-Tac 
10509 290d T SC RIT 1 Primary RIT  Fire-Tac 
10315 284b T ScheCity FD Dsp Fire Dispatch  Fire Dispatch 
10316 284c T ScheCity FD Ops2 Fire Ops 2  Fire-Tac 

This feel will be the sucessor to the current Schenectady County Fire/EMS and Lifenet feed, which will shut down at the conclusion