North Tahoe - CHP, Sheriff, Fire, Search and Rescue ...
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This feed is meant to help anyone in the north Lake Tahoe area know what's going on. The scanner is a Uniden Bearcat BC80XLT in my attic so the reception isn't great but hopefully better than nothing!
Here is the list of frequencies that the feed will hear:
161.505 Placer County Sheriff - Dispatch East
154.01 North Tahoe Fire T3 Fire Tac 3
154.13 North Tahoe Fire T7 Fire Tac 7
154.07 North Tahoe Fire T8 Fire Tac 8
153.89 North Tahoe Fire T9 Fire Tac 9
154.205 North Tahoe Fire T10 Fire Tac 10
154.4 North Tahoe Fire J-TAC Joint Powers Authority Tac (Truckee/Tahoe)
154.415 North Tahoe Fire Tac 6 North Tahoe Fire District Tac 6
155.16 Placer Search and Rescue Ch 4 - Seach and Rescue Simplex
146.64 Placer Search and Rescue Ch 16 - Nordic Search and Rescue - Donner Peak [131.8 CT Input]
39.98 Placer County Roads - Tahoe/East County
45.6 CHP Gray 2 - Base - Truckee (80) / Gold Run (70) / South Lake Tahoe (13)
42.88 CHP Gray 2 - Mobile - Truckee (80) / Gold Run (70) / South Lake Tahoe (13)
152.3375 CALSTAR CALSTAR Slide Mountain
157.5975 CALSTAR CALSTAR 6 - South Lake Tahoe
152.99 CALSTAR Mt Rose (Washoe Co, NV)
156.45 Maritime Ch. 9 Boat Calling
156.8 Maritime Ch. 16 Distress and Hailing
157.05 Maritime Ch. 21A - Coast Guard
157.1 Maritime Ch. 22A - Coast Guard
157.15 Maritime Ch. 23A - Coast Guard
157.075 Maritime Ch. 81A Government
157.125 Maritime Ch. 82A Government
157.175 Maritime Ch. 83A Coast Guard
156.075 State of California CalCord