Marion County Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 14


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This feed covers: Marion County (Iowa) Fire and Law Enforcement, ISICS Region 5 Interoperability channels.

Pella Iowa Fire Department  151.4675
Pella Iowa Police Department  159.390

Knoxville Iowa Fire Dept  153.950

Marion Co Fire  154.145
Marion Co EMS  155.280
Marion Co Portable  155.850
Marion Co Pub Safety  159.3675

Iowa State Communications Inter Op System  (Iowa state wide trunking system)

63 Law 1   ID 42878
63 EMS    ID 42885
63 Portable  ID 42922
63 Tac 1    ID 42879
Knoxville Police  ID42803

Iowa Region 5 (Covers Marion Co) Interop Channels
R5 Call51
R5 TAC52
R5 TAC53
R5 TAC54
R5 TAC55
R5 TAC56