Josephine County Sheriff Dispatch
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Josephine County Sheriff's Office, Josephine County, OR. WDD510 broadcasting analog NFM on 154.8300.

Josephine County, OR Sheriff's Office - Dispatch Channel

This feed is a broadcast of WDD510, using analog narrowband FM on 154.8300 (CTCSS 146.2). Only Sheriff's Office dispatch is being broadcast; no other channels or talkgroups are being scanned or included in the feed.


Josephine County primarily uses plain-text radio communications with the exception of a small number of status and informational codes. Known informational/status codes can be viewed here.



This feed is powered by a NooElec NESDR Mini 2 SDR attached to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running running Raspberry Pi OS/Raspbian Buster. The antenna is an ancient Radio Shack 20-176 that's had some better weatherproofing done, hooked via RG6 to an Electroline EDA-2800 amplifier (75Ω, but fine for receive only). RTLSDR-Airband is used to push live streams to our Icecast server and to Broadcastify.

Receiver Multicoupler Router, VM Host, Pi Project Drawer Pi and SDRs