Matagorda County Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 10


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Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) Bay CIty Fire/EMS, Van Vleck PD/Fire/EMS Matagorda County Sheriff and Bay City PD are both encrypted and are no longer available

Matagorda Sheriff Office Police, Fire
Sheriff Office is encrypted and no longer available
1260  MatCo VFD Volunteer Fire Department Fire Dispatch 
1264  Sargent VFD Sargent Volunteer Fire Department Fire Dispatch 
City of Bay City Police, Fire
Bay City PD is encrypted and no longer available
1256  BayCityAnmlC Animal Control Public Works 
1230  Bay City EMS EMS EMS Dispatch 
1238  BCVFD 1 Fire Ch. 1 Fire-Tac 
1240  BCVFD 2 Fire Ch. 2 Fire-Tac 
1275  BCVFD Chief Fire Chief Fire-Talk 
1222  BayCityPDAdm Police Administration Law Talk 
City of Palacios Police, Fire
1276  Palacios FD Palacios Fire Fire Dispatch 
2310  Palacios PD Palacios Police Dispatch Law Dispatch 
2311  Palacios PD2 Palacios Police Secondary Law Talk