Cedar, Louisa, and Muscatine Counties Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 21


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Public Safety feed servicing Cedar, Louisa, and Muscatine Counties in Eastern Iowa.

Muscatine Area Scanner Feed

This feed is provided utilizing a Uniden BCD996P2 Digital Trunking Scanner, and is located in Muscatine, Iowa. It services Cedar, Louisa, and Muscatine Counties in Iowa.

The following Talkgroups and Agencies are programming into the radio for monitoring:

Cedar County Sheriff, Tipton and West Branch Police - 151.220
Cedar County Fire - 154.415
Louisa County Sheriff, Wapello and Columbus Jct Police - 154.830
Louisa County Fire - 154.145
Muscatine County Fire Paging - 154.175

Muscatine County (Starcom21) TGs:
Law 1-3, Info (26001-26004)
Muscatine Fire (26017/26018)
Muscatine County Fire (26025)

ISICS (State) TGs:
Iowa DPS LAW 3D and Law 4D