Faulkner County Area Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 5


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Pro-106 Trunking Scanner

1 SP A NORTH North - Information and District Calling
3 SP A South - Districtwide Dispatch
19405 RURAL PD Greenbrier, Mayflower, and Vilonia Police, general AWIN Ops
19402 SO DISP Sheriff - Dispatch
7216 MEMS 2 Metro Emergency Medical Services 2
45008 MEMS EMS Dispatch
3203 AHP District 1 - Dispatch
37729 DSP Fire - Dispatch
30116 DISP Fire - Dispatch
03 - South District
2117 / 2603 / 2601 / 2605 / 2617 / 2621 / 2613 - Mutual Aid (Could be random.  Not specifically defined.)
3203 / 3209 / 3227 / 3215 / 3221 / 3233 - District Dispatch 1-6

2663 ADEM Central Area 1 Emergency Ops
53623 / 53625 - Pafford EMS

44720 - 60-PCSO P1 / Sheriff - Primary 1 
44721 - 60-PCSO P1 / Sheriff - Primary 2

CONV Rail Yard 160.470 (Not very active, but there)

CONV - Beaverfork Volunteer Fire 154.175
CONV - Fire North 155.7300
CONV - Occasional local amateur radio traffic. (Especially during severe weather.) 146.970 / 146.940 / 147.030 etc.
CONV - Occasional local aircraft (Adam's Field or Conway) - airband

NOTE:  It would seem that more and more services are in the process of migrating to full time encryption and / or phase II.  

Please do NOT confuse "encryption gibberish / garbage audio" with an encrypted stream that's been DECRYPTED and broadcast in the clear.  You
will not find the latter on this feed as it's a no-no, and I neither possess nor want the ability.  (The former is not illegal to stream, but it's certainly annoying to listen to.)

Also, many users in the field have the option to enable or disable "at will" encryption on their service radios on as as needed basis.  I have no control over this and can not promise that you will not hear such.

If you should happen to hear fairly consistant "gibberish / garbage audio" please notify the admin so that the frequency can be found and cleaned up.
 (I do not monitor this feed 24/7 and this will have to be done manually.)  Win500 software is set to ignore talkgroups it KNOWS are encypted at the time of import to the scanner, however, this can change after the fact for previously non-encrypted frequencies / channels T-Groups etc., if they make the transition.

Additionally, services occasionally make programming changes.  If you should hear something that you think you shouldn't again, please notify the admin with specifics.  The programming currently in the scanner may or may not match new or recent schema changes.  I will work to resolve such issues should they arise.

Lastly, please review the following and make sure that what you think you may have heard is indeed something that needs to be addressed and, again, please provide specifics to the best of your ability before sending a "nasty-gram" to the admin.

There is a difference between streaming dedicated service channels and occasional, similar traffic that you might hear on those channels over "normal" channels.

(KNOWN DEDICATED tactical, narc, detective, etc., at the time of last programming import have been locked out.)
(KNOWN DEDICATED ambulance to hospital per alpha tags in the database per last import have been locked out.)

Some snippets from the various Broadcastify FAQs:

  • If an agency has a dedicated frequency or talkgroup for SWAT operations - it is not allowed to be on the feed. If the agency's SWAT team operates on the PD regular dispatch frequency, than it is OK.
  • If an agency has a dedicated frequency for ambulance to hospital communications, it is not allow to be on the feed. If the EMS agency passes patient reports over the regular EMS Dispatch channel, that's OK.
  • If a routine dispatch or special events channel or talkgroup happens to have communications such as tactical, tac, car-to-car, NCIC, records, detectives, swat, SRT, and supervisors then that is permitted and is not subject to our terms of service restrictions.

There will always be exceptions and variations to this rule, but feed providers should always strive to maintain the spirit of what we have put into place above.

The FCC's stance on Internet Live Streams:

FCC rules do not prohibit redistributing over the Internet those communications licensed under FCC rules Part 90, such as the communications of local government, law enforcement, civil defense, private land mobile, or public safety communications, including police, EMS, fire and the like. Licensees under FCC rules Part 90 concerned about the intercept and divulgence of their communications may encrypt or scramble these communications, except for station identification. Part 90.735(d) requires station identification to be transmitted by unencrypted voice.

Station ID may also be by digital transmission of the station call sign, including by Morse code. A licensee that identifies its station in this manner must provide the Commission, on request, information (such as digital codes and algorithms) sufficient to decipher the data transmission to ascertain the call sign transmitted.

Rules are located in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Part 90 is available online at: