Comanche County Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 36


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Comanche County Sheriff, Fire, EMS

My Setup:
Windows 10, Uniden BCD996P2, VB-Audio Virtual Cable, RadioFeed Streaming Client with AlphaTags Broadcast
The use of this feed is for entertainment, and hobby enthusiast purpose only.  Any actions that result in misuse or illegal activity, is solely based on the end user's actions. The end user assumes ALL responsibility, and liability for information obtained, and or used from this feed. By no means, can this provider be, or is responsible for any misconduct or actions that may arise from this information source. This feed is not provided by or affiliated with any Police; Sheriff; Highway Patrol; Fire, or Emergency Medical Services heard. Remember that the use of this audio to further the commission of a crime is a criminal offense in the State of Oklahoma.

 How To Receive AplhaTags In Broadcast:
 In order to view who is transmitting (AlphaTags) you must be using a compatible program. Below are a few, but not all.
• Scanner Radio by Gordon Edwards (Android) (IOS) ---
• Broadcastify (Android) (IOS) ---
• Winamp  (PC) ---
 Priority Allocation:
The way I have this feed set up is by Priority Levels. All channels are on Priority Level 2 so you can get as much of the same conversation as possible without another channel cutting in, however if a situation occurs, and I am monitoring I will change the priority level on the channel that has that situation occurring to Priority Level 1 so regardless of who is transmitting on another channel if someone starts talking on the Priority Level 1 channel it will automatically go to it so you won't miss the action. This is also where the alphatags come in handy so you can view who is transmitting.
 Broadcast Alerts:
From time to time if (Newsworthy) events occur in the area, and I am monitoring. I will broadcast an alert so listeners will know what is going on. I will generally keep the alert up for 15 to 25 minutes. But do keep in mind that once a situation occurs, depending on the sensitivity of the situation most Police Departments switch to channels, or other forms of communication that are not allowed to be broadcasted through Broadcastify's Terms of Service Agreement.
Lawton OK Police 10-Codes:
Here are the Lawton, OK Police Department 10-Codes so you can understand what is being said on the feed.
10-Codes Link ---
 How To Report A Problem With This Feed:
If there is a problem with this feed (Audio Garbled, AlphaTags Not Displaying, Low Volume, etc...) Please use the following link to let me know. Include your e-mail address, and a good description of the issue so I can narrow the scope of what is occurring on my end. It is my mission to provide the listener with as clear a reception as possible at all times (Atmosphere Willing), but problems do arise, and I will provide my best effort to resolve any issues that may occur.
Problem Link ---
Information On Channel Hoping Of Scanner Radio:
The nature of scanner radios ("hopping" quickly between channels") is that messages very often lack continuity with each other, and consecutive messages are often from separate sources, and totally unrelated to one another.  In other words, one message may be from a police dispatcher to an officer, and the very next one perhaps from one firefighter to another about a completely different matter. So a sequence of messages may or may not be related to one specific event. (Written by Anonymous user on Broadcastify)