Colquitt County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, Moultrie Poli...
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DNR, Air Evac, Survival Flight, SKYWARN
.Colquitt Conunty Sheriff/Berlin Dispatch 160.1550
Colquitt Conunty Sheriff Dispatch 155.0100
Moultrie Police Dispatch 151.0775 - 156.2100 DMR
Moultrie Fire Dispatch 158.8050
Doerun PD Dispatch 155.7225
Norman Park PD Dispatch 159.3075
Georgia State Patrol (Tift Thomas Mitchell)
Air Evac 151.505 - 158.4000 - 152.2775 - 153.0650
Whistler TRX-1 - Tram 1410 25MHz–1,300MHz VHF/UHF Super Discone Base Antenna on a 40ft mast with a 25db Amp
Stay Safe
Kenny Beckner