London Area OPP and MTO
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London and Area - Ontario Provincial Police and Ministry of Transportation 

System: Bell Fleetnet Ontario Provincial Government Zone 1

Tower: 18BYRN - Byron

The Bell Fleetnet system is in the process of being retired. The London Area EMS talkgroups have recently moved to the new system and are now encrypted. It is expected that all OPP dispatch talkgroups will follow in the near future. This will likely happend with no notice.


Talkgroups (in order of priority):

OPP Middlesex County 6J TG: 8336

OPP London Wide Area TG: 8864

MTO London Operations TG: 3840

OPP Elgin County 6P TG: 8256 (only heard if patched or near Byron tower)

OPP Perth County 6N TG: 8384 (only heard if patched or near Byron tower)

OPP Lambton County 6M TG: 8320 (only heard if patched or near Byron tower)

OPP Chatham-Kent 6D TG: 8240 (only heard if patched or near Byron tower)

MTO Maintenance London 5 TG: 38176 (analog)

MTO Maintenance Lucan TG: 38368 (analog)

MTO Maintenance Chatham 4 TG: 38128 (analog)