Adams County Fire Police - Digital
Feed Status:
A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at
the start of this feed.
No ads for Premium Subscribers
Adam's County Fire Police Ops Channels Only.
Not to be relied on for dispatch.
For help with programming scanners or finding out
if your scanner is digital I can try to help you out.
The scanner world is a lot different than years ago.
Email me at
Any problems or questions about this feed please
Email me at
Location: Middle St, Gettysburg PA
Receiver: Uniden BCD996P2
Antenna: Paper Clip
Freguency: 859.2625 East Site 0nly P25 Phase 2
- Dispatch 1
- Fire Police Main
- Fire Police 2
Fire Police 3
- Fire Police 4
- Fire Police 5
- Fire Police 6
- Fire Police 7
- Fire Police 8
- Fire Police 9
- Fire Police 10
- Fire Police 11
- Fire Police 12
You can also monitor this feed on your Android,
Tablet, Blackberry, Iphone or IPad by downloading
scannerradio By Gordon Edwards.
To see what you are listening to you can click the
link. 911
Upgrades: 09/05/2019 Did a up grade to Raspberry
Pi Model B+. Now i dont have to run a computer for
this feed. Makes things very simple and also a lot
In accordance with Feed_Provider_Terms_of_Service
Only routine dispatch, special event, and on scene fire
and rescue operations talkgroups will be broadcast.
This feed is provided for entertainment purposes
only. Use of this feed, or any scanner feed, to facilitate
the commission of a crime is a criminal offense.
Under no circumstances should you utilize any
information obtained from this feed, or any feed, to
respond to a scene, interfere with emergency
personnel, or other wise take any action that may
put yourself or others in danger.