Oro Valley Police and Pima County Sheriff
Feed Status:     Listeners: 17


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PCWIN North Simulcast with Oro Valley Police and Pima County Sheriff’s Office talkgroups set as priority. Also picks up Northwest Fire and rescue.

I will be monitoring the Oro Valley Police and the Pima County Sherriff's Office in Pima County AZ on the North Simulcast of the PCWIN (Pima County Wireless Integrated Network) which is P25 Phase 2. I am using a NooElec NESDR Smart SDR running OP25 on a MacBook Pro. I am broadcasting these departments because the current feed for this network broadcasts all simulcasts in the county and has frequent interruptions of conversations due to monitoring so many departments. The feed also goes offline frequently. My feed will be focusing specifically on the OrO Valley PD and the PCSO.