East Central Oklahoma Railroads
Feed Status:     Listeners: 7


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Monitoring East Central Oklahoma Railroad radio traffic from the Wellston Okla. area. Including BNSF, UP as well as SLWC. Sometimes KCC in far east OK. The feed is a Kenwood TKR-730, a 6 db antenna at 60 feet fed with LMR-400 and a Raspberry PI.

The East Central OK Rail Traffic feed will include:

Frequencies Monitored

 o 160.560 AAR ch30 BNSF Redrock North Sub Dispatcher in Oklahoma, Cleveland, McClain, Logan and Creek Counties

 o 161.310 AAR ch80 Stillwater Central RR, Road channel in Lincoln and Creek County

 o 160.785 AAR ch45 Stillwater Central RR Yard (OKC)/Oklahoma County

 o 160.470 AAR ch24 UP OKC and Enid Sub Dispatcher in Oklahoma and Canadian Counties

 o 160.245 AAR ch09 BNSF OKC Phone patch in Moore, Okla., Cleveland County

 o 160.920 AAR ch54 BNSF Cherokee Sub Dispatcher

 o 161.04 AAR ch62 BNSF Creek Sub dispatcher – Tulsa south on the former SLSF, Creek County, Okla.

 o 160.770 AAR ch44 BNSF Avard Sub Dispatcher in Pawnee County, Okla. (limited)

  o 160.845 AAR AOK RR – Shawnee, OK to OKC, Pottawatomie and Oklahoma Counties