Knox County Police, Fire and EMS
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This feed scans the Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T (Vincennes Tower). Included in this feed is all Knox County Agencies including all local Police, Fire and EMS agencies for Knox County Only.
The State talkgroups are not being scanned.
The following channels are being scanned and broadcasted on the feed:
Knox County E911 Center
Knox County Tactical 1
Knox County Tactical 2
Knox County Tactical 3
Knox County Tactical 4
Knox County Tactical 5
Knox County Tactical 6
Knox County Tactical 7
Knox County Tactical 8
Bicknell Fire
Edwardsport/Sandborn Fire
Freelandville Fire
Harrison Township Fire
Johnson Township/Decker Fire
Oaktown Fire
Palmyra Township Fire
Steen Township Fire
Vigo Township Fire
Vincennes Fire
Vincennes Township Fire
Washington Township Fire
Knox County EMS Dispatch
Knox County Sheriff Dispatch
Bicknell Police
Vincennes Police
Vincennes University Police
KCIL Talkgroup (a patch between Knox County IN and Lawrence Co IL)