Prince William County Police and Fire
Feed Status:     Listeners: 66


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This feed monitors the following channels. Fire channels also includes the City of Manassas and Manassas Park.



TGID - Channel TGID - Channel
1007 - West 1 2001 - 5A Dispatch
1003 - East 1 2003 - 5B Response
3122 - Central 1 2005 - 5C Incident 1
1005 - East 2 (Used for major incidents) 2007 - 5D Incident 2
3124 - Central 2 (Used for major incidents) 2009 - 5E
1009 - West 2 (Used for major incidents) Tac Channels 5F to 5L


County information

Fire Station locations

Fire Box locations

Police locations and patrol districts


  • Uniden SDS200 scanner
  • MINIX NEO N42C-4 Mini computer (Windows 10)
  • Using LAN Audio feature in ProScan to upload to Broadcastify servers