Holland Police and Fire
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Holland, MA Police and Fire Department - includes Wales PD and other fire departments dispatched over the regional fire channel: Brimfield, Wales, Brookfield, East Brookfield, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Hardwick, New Braintree, and Petersham.

Please email me with any comments, questions, or just to let me know you listen to the feed. :)

Here are the frequencies being scanned:

Agency Frequency (MHz) PL/DCS Tone Comments
Holland and Wales PD 44.740 141.3 Holland has 500 series callsigns, Wales has 900 series callsigns
New Braintree Dispatched Area Towns (MSP C8 Dispatch) -  Fire Tone Out/Paging 157.450 141.3 All fire paging tones for towns dispatched by New Braintree Fire Alarm (MSP C8 New Braintree) are broadcast on this frequency
New Braintree Dispatched Area Towns -  Fire Dispatch 154.9125 141.3 Operations "working" frequency for all towns dispatched by New Braintree Fire Alarm (MSP New Braintree).
Holland FD Repeater 154.010 94.8 Used by HFD during major events, also used by EMA to coordinate with all town departments (major storms and serious weather events)
Holland FD Fireground 150.7875 186.2 Used by HFD for on-scene communications when necessary. Fireground channels keep on scene communications off the main operations frequency.
FD OPS-C (Regional Simplex Fireground) 154.680 141.3 Used when needed during mutual aid events to keep on scene communications off operations frequency.
Wales FD Repeater (Operations and Fireground) 159.3825  D023 Used by town for various coordination purposes.

Massachusetts State Police Barracks C8 in New Braintree dispatches for the Town of Holland. You will hear other towns* dispatched on the fire channels as this is a regional system. Police dispatch callsign is "C8" and fire dispatch callsign is "New Braintree Fire Alarm" or just "Fire Alarm". Holland and Wales share the same police frequency.

Scanner is a Uniden Bearcat BCT15 and a Raspberry Pi 2 for the streaming computer. 

* In addition to Holland, the other dispatched fire departments are Brimfield, Wales, Brookfield, East Brookfield, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Hardwick, New Braintree, and Petersham.