KB8EOC Seneca County ARES / Skywarn Repeaters
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KB8EOC Seneca County ARES Repeater simulcast 145.1500- and 442.3000+ located in Bascom, Ohio.

KB8EOC Seneca County ARES Repeater simulcast 145.1500- and 442.3000+ located in Bascom, Ohio.

This repeater is home to the Seneca County ARES net held every Sunday night begining at 8:00 P.M. EST.

KB8EOC repeater is home to all Seneca County Skywarn Nets during severe weather.

Many community service events in Seneca County use amateur radio and this repeater to coordinate activities.

Those event details such as dates and times can be found at www.senecacountyares.org.