Franklin County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, Malone Fire, ...
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(we do keep update with frequencies that changed or added to the EMS / Fire/ Police Airwaves) Thank you for listening to Our Feed!!! (2024)
Franklin County - Malone, New York - Fire Dispatch, EMS, Police.
The feed monitors channels from the greater Northern Franklin County, Malone New York (12953) area and include
NY State Police Base to Car,
NY State Police Command,
NY State Police Car to Base,
Fire Truck to Truck,
Sheriff Dispatch,
Fire Truck to Base
Malone Fire Dispatch,
EMS, Operations
EMS Paging,
*Priority channel is set to / EMS Paging,
the NEW VHF Fire & EMS paging, Fire & EMS to Dispatch, Operations is now on this feed
((we do keep update with frequencies that changed or added to the EMS / Fire/ Police Airwaves))
check us out on Facebook @ FranklinCountyNYScanner