Somerset County Fire and EMS - Digital
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Broadcasting Somerset County Fire & Ems.
Dispatch will be coming from the county's VHF system, while all other traffic will be on the P25 Inter-County Digital System.
Broadcasting The Somerset County, PA P25 ICORRS (Inter County Regional Radio System) Trunked Radio System as well the conventional dispatch frequencies. The stream is using a Uniden SDS200 scanner connected to a HP Prodesk computer running 24-7 365 days a year. The SDS200 uses a ethernet cable to provide sound to the computer providing exceptional audio output. The Scanner was donated to me by One Stop Auto Sales- Collision and Service Center. Police are encrypted and can no longer be monitored
This feed includes,
857.01250 Control Channel
155.1750 Dispatch
Somerset Co (56) Emer Mgmt Talkgroups
TGID Description
1304 EMA Operations 1
1305 EMA Ops 2
1306 EMA Ops 3
1307 Operations 1
1308 911 Operations 2
1309 Hazmat Operations 1
1310 Hazmat Operations 2
1311 Water Rescue Ops 1
1312 Water Rescue Ops 2
1313 Search and Rescue 1
1314 Search and Rescue 2
1315 CART Team Ops
1318 County EMA
1319 Local EMA
Somerset Co (56) EMS Talkgroups
TGID Description
1286 EMS Dispatch
1287 EMS Command
1288 EMS Ops 1
1289 EMS Ops 2
1290 EMS Ops 3
TGID Description
1304 EMA Operations 1
1305 EMA Ops 2
1306 EMA Ops 3
1307 Operations 1
1308 911 Operations 2
1309 Hazmat Operations 1
1310 Hazmat Operations 2
1311 Water Rescue Ops 1
1312 Water Rescue Ops 2
1313 Search and Rescue 1
1314 Search and Rescue 2
1315 CART Team Ops
1318 County EMA
1319 Local EMA
Somerset Co (56) EMS Talkgroups
TGID Description
1286 EMS Dispatch
1287 EMS Command
1288 EMS Ops 1
1289 EMS Ops 2
1290 EMS Ops 3
TGID Description
1252 Fire Dispatch
1253 Fire Command
1254 Fire Ops 1
1255 Fire Ops 2
1256 Fire Ops 3
1257 Fire Ops 4
1258 Fire Ops 5
1259 Fire Ops 6
1260 Fire Ops 7
1261 Fire Ops 8
1262 Fire Ops 9
1263 Fire Ops 10
1264 Fire Ops 11