Palos Heights and Orland Park Police, Fire / EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 3


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Covering Palos Heights, Palos Park and Orland Park, IL.

470.8625 Palos Heights Police
154.070 Southwest Central Disp
470.7125 Palos PD Tac 1
155.1900 Palos PD Tac 2
154.7850 Orland PD Dispatch
159.0450 Orland FD Dispatch
155.3800 Palos Comm. Hospital
154.0250 Palos PD
154.400 Orland FD
155.385 Palos Heights Fireground
153.830 Fireground Red
158.745 Palos Heights Pub. Works
154.280 Fireground White
154.295 Fireground Blue
153.8375 Fireground Gold
154.2725 Fireground Black
154.2875 Fireground Grey
159.2475 Orland Mobile

Antenna: Radio Shack Mag Mount 34", Elevation: 20'  Scanner: Radio Shack Pro-2096