LaCrosse County Fire and EMS
Feed Status:     Listeners: 5


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This feed broadcasts all La Crosse County Fire and 1st Responder traffic except for the City of La Crosse.

This feed is on the 154.205 frequency in LaCrosse County, Wisconsin. It is used for all fire and 1st responder units in the county except for the City of LaCrosse.  


La Crosse County Unit Numbering

Unit Numbers User/Agency
100 - 199 La Crosse County Sheriff’s Department
301 - 349 City of Onalaska Police Department
350 - 384 City of Onalaska Fire Department
385 - 389 Brice Prairie First Responders
401 - 449 Town of Shelby Police Department
450 - 469 Town of Shelby Fire Department & First Responders
500 - 599 Wisconsin State Patrol
601 - 649 Village of West Salem Police Department
650 - 669 West Salem Fire Department
680 - 699 West Salem First Responders
701 - 749 Village of Holmen Police Department
750 - 799 Holmen Fire Department & First Responders
8xx’s Village of Bangor
9xx’s Campbell Township (French Island)
11x’s Farmington Township
1300 University of Wisconsin - La Crosse Police Department
1900 La Crosse County Service Processors
4100 La Crosse County Emergency Management
Further Municipality Unit Numbering Breakdown
xx01 - xx49 Law Enforcement / Police Department
xx50 - xx59 Fire Department Personnel
xx60 - xx69 Fire Department Apparatus (xx60 is Fire Station)