NS Harrisburg Terminal Dispatch
Feed Status:     Listeners: 12


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The NS Harrisburg Terminal territory operates on AAR Channel 058 - 160.9800 MHz. This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage from a high elevation. It does not scan. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream.

This stream is brought to you by
The Harrisburg Chapter - National Railway Historical Society.
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Welcome to the NS Harrisburg Terminal Railroad Dispatcher stream!
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About this Stream:
This stream is provided under the auspices of the Harrisburg Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society and Broadcastify.com as a service to the railfan community. For more information about the Harrisburg NRHS please visit our website at:
Special thanks go to:
  • Dan Rapak - WA3ATV
  • and Jeff Vinton - W2JSV for their efforts in making this feed possible.
The NS Harrisburg Terminal territory is a major nexus in Norfolk Southern’s railroad. The Harrisburg area sees a convergence of trains from the south (RR West) on the Lurgan Branch, from the north on the Buffalo Line, from the west on the Pittsburgh Line, from the east (New York, Philadelphia) on the Harrisburg Line, from the southeast (Baltimore, Delaware and Washington DC) on the Port Road / Royalton Branch and from Amtrak (New York, Philadelphia) on their Keystone Line.
The radio frequency is AAR Channel 058 - 160.9800 MHz.
This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage. It does not scan. It does not receive yard channels or the road channels of adjacent territories. However, you will hear the Hagerstown Dispatcher controlling The Lurgan Branch west of LEES CROSS ROADS as that desk uses the same radio channel. Radio signals are received from CANNON to the west, BURKE to the east, STONEY to the north, SHIP to the south (RR west) and ROY to the southeast (RR east.)
The NS Harrisburg Terminal desk covers the following rail lines:
  • The Buffalo Line from NORTH FERRY at milepost BR 294.7 to its terminus / junction with the Pittsburgh Line at ROCKVILLE at milepost BR 306.2.
  • The Harrisburg Line from BURKE interlocking at milepost HP 104.2 near Hummelstown, PA to HARRISBURG at milepost HP 112.9 at Harris Tower in downtown Harrisburg.
  • The Lurgan Branch from LEE'S CROSS ROADS at milepost LG 36.3 east of Shippensburg, PA to PAXTON and CAPITOL at LG 0.0 in Harrisburg.
  • The Pittsburgh Line from McVEY at milepost PT 179.6 at McVeytown, PA to HARRISBURG at milepost PT 105.1 at Harris Tower in downtown Harrisburg.
  • The Port Road Branch between Enola Yard and its connections with The Pittsburgh Line at MARY at milepost EP 73.7 / PT 110.9 and at BANKS at milepost EP 76.1 / PT 113.2.
  • The Royalton Branch from ROY at milepost RY 11.0 in Royalton, PA to PAXTON at milepost RY 21.9 in Harrisburg.
  • The Hill Industrial Track (what’s left of it) in Harrisburg, PA
  • The Rutherford Industrial Track which serves the Rutherford Intermodal Yard.
  • The Steelton Industrial Track from Harrisburg to Steelton, PA.
Activity of note includes:
  • Traffic for Enola Yard connecting to The Pittsburgh Line at MARY at milepost EP 73.7 / PT110.9 and at BANKS at milepost EP 76.1 / PT 113.2.
  • Traffic for Harrisburg Yard at ROCKVILLE at PT 109.9 and HARRISBURG interlocking at HP 112.9.
  • Traffic for Rutherford Intermodal Yard via the Tower, Fare and Ford hand switches on the Rutherford Industrial Track. The Rutherford Industrial Track connects to The Harrisburg Line at RUTH at HP 108.8 and BEAVER at milepost HP 105.0.
  • Interconnection with Amtrak at HARRISBURG interlocking at milepost HP 112.9. This is the western terminus of the electrified northeast corridor's Keystone Line. Amtrak trains continuing west beyond Harrisburg use Norfolk Southern trackage and connect to NS at HARRISBURG interlocking.
  • Trains at the Harrisburg Fuel Pad. This fueling station is located on the main line for east-west trains at milepost PT 107.5 of the Pittsburgh Line between ROCKVILLE and HARRISBURG interlockings.
Defect Detectors heard on this feed include:
Buffalo Line:
  • MP 300.0 - DE, HB, HC
Harrisburg Line:
  • MP 103.3 - DE, HB, HW (BURKE interlocking)
  • MP 105.0 - HC  (BEAVER interlocking - Thorofare Track and Rutherford Siding, eastbound only)
  • MP 112.9 - DE, HB, HC (HARRISBURG interlocking)
 Lurgan Branch:
  • MP 6.8 - DE, HB
  • MP 17.5 - DE, HB
  • MP 28.0 - DE, HB
  • MP 36.1 - DE, HB
 Pittsburgh Line:
  • MP 113.2 - DE, HB, HC   (BANKS interlocking)
Port Road Branch:
  • MP 73.1 - HC  (Track G)
  • MP 73.3 - HC  (Tracks C and D)
  • MP 73.5 - HC


Adjacent Territories: The Harrisburg Chapter of the NRHS also maintains a radio stream of the NS Harrisburg East Dispatcher. This is the next territory to the east of the Harrisburg Terminal Desk and compliments this feed. It is also available on Broadcastify at:
Ron Zukosky maintains the NS Pittsburgh Line feed which is the territory immediately west of the Harrisburg Terminal. This feed comes from  a high elevation receive site and covers a huge chunck of the Pittsburgh Line. This feed is available on Broadcastify at:

TrainMon5: This territory is well covered by our companion TrainMon5 display. TrainMon5 uses your browser to provide a graphical display of the railroad in real-time, similar to what a dispatcher would see on their screens. The display runs on any browser and any device that supports a browser including both Windows and Apple computers, note pads and both Android and iOS smart phones. There is no need to install software on your device. However, there is an app for Android phones that can be installed if you choose to. The advantage of the app is greatly reduced data consumption if you are not on an unlimited data plan. Sorry, there is no app for iPhones.

You will need to establish an account to access the TrainMon5 server. There are a number of hoops to jump through for security reasons, but you only have to do this once. It will take time for your account to be approved as each request is reviewed by a human being. The address for TrainMon5 is: https://www.trainmon5.com/


Key locations on this territory are very well documented in
“The Railfan’s Guide for Google Earth” available for download at:
Again, you need to join the group to download the file. Note that this is a large file and may take some time to load in Google Earth.
Happy Monitoring!
Harrisburg Chapter - National Railway Historical Society