Southeast Missouri Counties Public Safety
Feed Status:     Listeners: 32


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Includes Ripley, Carter, Dunklin, and Cape Girardeau Counties Sheriff, Sikeston Public Safety, Wayne County Sheriff, Missouri Highway Patrol Interop Moswin.

The Butler County Public Safety feed includes Law Enforcement and Fire, County Law Enforcement and fire, county ambulance services, EMA & Poplar Bluff Severe Weather Response Team.  


Butler county sheriff 154.875
Poplar Bluff Police 155.550
Poplar Bluff Fire 154.220
Butler County Fire 154.445
Rural metro EMS 155.280
Poplar Bluff storm spotters 152.300
Missouri statewide interoperability network (MOSWIN) that includes the following agencies: (this is a digital trunked system)
Missouri highway patrol troop E Poplar Bluff
Ripley county sheriff
Carter county sheriff
Dunklin county sheriff
Cape Girardeau sheriff
Wayne county sheriff
Sikeston dept of public safety
Butler County highway dept
Region EIO point to point