Richland County Police, Fire, and EMS, Wilkin County...
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Now digital! Wilkin- Richland county, Wahpeton-Breckenridge PD and Fire, Dwight and area fire departments.
Channels broadcasting: 151.46000 KAD893 BM 192.8 PL RICH SO 1 Richland Co SO FM Law Dispatch 159.22500 KAD893 BM 192.8 PL RICH SO 2 Richland Co SO FM Law Dispatch 154.98000 KRF529 RM RICH SO PAGE County Fire Signaling Telm Multi-Dispatch 154.35500 WPSK952 RM 123.0 PL DWT FIRE Fire Department Dispatch FM Fire-Tac Dwight Fire 154.23500 KUY545 RM 110.9 PL WAHP FIRE Fire Department Main FM Fire Dispatch Wahpeton Fire 155.14500 KTB278 RM 075 NAC WAHP PD 4 Wahpeton Police Dept. P25 Law Dispatc.
Scanner feed is out of Wahpeton ND Enjoy
WILKIN SO D Sheriff's Department Dispatch 155.11500 WILKIN SO S Sheriff's Department Sec. 155.01000 BREK. FIRE Breckenridge Fire 154.38500 FOXHOME FIRE Foxhome Fire 154.43000