
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Central Indiana Skywarn Repeater Net W9ICE 146.9700 MHz
This Is A Live Audio Feed Of The 39 County Central Indiana Skywarn Active Severe Weather Nets ONLY!! (Audio can be delayed by as much as 40 seconds). There will be NO AUDIO if there is no net in progress !!!
0 Listeners
Grant County Police
Welcome to the phase 2 system for all emergency agencies within Grant County, Indiana USA Police, Fire, EMT/EMS. Dual feed provided by multiple software defined radio tuners paired with SDRTrunk software.
28 Listeners
Grant County Public Safety
Grant County, IN Law, Fire and EMS Indiana State Police Region 2 Dispatch, ISP Peru Regional E Mutual Aid 1, 2, 3, 4 (E-MA1, E-MA2, E-MA3, E-MA4) Statewide Mutual Aid 1 (SW-MA1)
62 Listeners
W9EBN 146.7900 MHz Grant County ARC RepeaterOffline
Wabash, Huntington, Miami and Grant Counties Public Safety16 Listeners