
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Alabama State Police (Birmingham-Decatur-Jasper)
ALEA Troop G & F
1 Listeners
Birmingham Area NOAA Weather Radio KIH545 Listeners
Chilton/Shelby Public Safety P25
Scanning Site ID 4 (South Simulcast) on the Alabama Interoperable Radio System.
5 Listeners
KV4S AllStar and EchoLink Nodes
This is Amateur Radio Station KV4S broadcasting: DMR: 312264 D-STAR: XRF334R YSF: US KV4S AllStar: 47923 IRLP: 0091 Echolink: KV4S-L Listen to The University of Alabama's Amateur Radio Club Net each Thursday evening at 8pm CT.
0 Listeners
Shelby and Chilton Counties Area CSX and NS RailroadsOffline