
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Chattanooga Area NOAA Weather Radio WXK485 Listeners
Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community's SouthEast Link Feed0 Listeners
The Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community Repeater System
Listen in on the N4LMC 224.560 repeater, located outside of Chattanooga, TN on top of Lookout Mountain. This system is normally linked to he N4LMC 224.120 Repeater located in Ringgold, GA. This repeater broadcasts Walker county GA weather information.
0 Listeners
Tri-States Amateur Radio Club W4GTA 145.350 MHz - Lookout Mountain
Listen in on the W4GTA 145.350 repeater, located on top of Lookout Mountain and is normally linked to the N4LMC 146.640 & the N4LMC 443.525 systems. This repeater serves as an ARES and Skywarn system and broadcasts Walker county GA weather information.
0 Listeners
Walker County Public Safety
Alan Painter W4PLP 4236050700 cell
4 Listeners