
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Charlotte County (FL) Public Safety 0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Charlotte County Fire, Punta Gorda City Fire, and Punta Gorda Airport Fire7 Listeners
Charlotte County Fire, Punta Gorda City Fire, and Punta Gorda Airport Fire (Backup)
Leaving up till the other server has no static or "Hmm" to it between calls. This feed also is showing Alpha Tags
Charlotte County Sheriff and Punta Gorda Police40 Listeners
Charlotte County SO Dispatch 1-4 (Backup) Offline
NI4CE Repeater System
known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. NI4CE covers West Central & Southwest Florida and provides seamless coverage along the I-75 and I-4 corridors. All sites are linked.
1 Listeners
NOAA Weather Radio Fort Myers (WXK83)
Covering Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry, Glades, and Desoto Counties - NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day. Known as the "voice of the National Weather Service,"
0 Listeners
SARNET - Florida's State Wide Connected Repeater System
The Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARNet) is a network of linked UHF repeaters that is run by the State EOC. Covers Most of the State of Florida
2 Listeners