
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Collierville Fire Dispatch
Collierville FD Fire 1Talkgroup, provided by CFD. CFD reserves the right to disable the feed in the event of an emergency that could interfere with operations.
3 Listeners
Collierville Police Dispatch
Collierville Police Department Primary Dispatch Talkgroup, provided by CPD. CPD reserves the right to disable the feed in the event of an emergency that could interfere with operations.
7 Listeners
Germantown Police and Fire
This scanner monitors Germantown Fire and Police - primary, fireground, and special event frequencies.
5 Listeners
KA7UEC 443.300 MHz Repeater0 Listeners
KA7UEC 443.625 MHz Repeater0 Listeners
Memphis Fire Department8 Listeners
Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff
This feed covers the Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff dispatch talkgroups.
105 Listeners
NOAA Weather Radio Station WXK49 Memphis, Tennessee0 Listeners
Tennessee Highway Patrol - District 4
Primary Dispatch for THP Memphis