Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
*CalFire NEU, Placer County, Yuba County, Marysville City Fire This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. | 1 Listeners |
California Fire Special 1 Special Events Feed: Will be activated only during large special events such as wildland incidents around the state. | Offline |
Linda Fire | 2 Listeners |
Marysville Police, Yuba City Police, Sutter County Sheriff, and Fire/Rescue | 0 Listeners |
Northern California Major Incident Focusing on Fire Air Support | Offline |
Northern California NOAA Weather Radio NOAA Weather Radio from Wolf Mountain in Nevada county 162.550Mhz KEC57 & WWF67 Covering Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, Yolo, and Yuba counties. | 3 Listeners |
Olivehurst Fire | 1 Listeners |
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 1 This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Currently Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident | Offline |
RemotelyLocated HERD1 Feed 2 This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the Moss Landing Incident | Offline |
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 1 This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Command Channels | Offline |
RemotelyLocated HERD2 Feed 2 This Feed is Provided by Remotely Located Critical Infrastructure. Deployed to the CA-BTU-Park Air/Ground | Offline |
UPRR Valley and Sacramento Subs: Marysville, CA Area | 0 Listeners |
Wheatland Fire Authority | 1 Listeners |
WIN System Amateur Repeater Network The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. Due to the size this system. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec | 4 Listeners |
Yuba County Sheriff, Wheatland Public Safety | 0 Listeners |