
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Brunswick and Brunswick Hills Police / Fire
Digital MARCS Scanner listening to Brunswick and Brunswick Hills Police, Fire and EMS talk groups.
6 Listeners
Medina County Fire, Wadsworth Fire and EMS
Digital Scanner scanning ALL active Medina County Fire Department MARCS talk-groups. Also scanning all county used 700/800mhz national interop channels and Wadsworth's UHF Fire Channel.
2 Listeners
Medina County Sheriff and Fire, Medina / Montville Township Police, Life Support Team (EMS)
P25 Digital Scanner listening to the Medina-Harris Phase 2 System (Medina Sheriff, County Parks, Lodi, Medina Twp. Montville, Seville, & Westfield Police Department as well as Medina Fire/LST & County Fire Dispatch Channel).
7 Listeners
Montville and Medina Townships Police
Digital Scanner with Digital Audio and Alpha Tags of Radio ID's
1 Listeners
Wadsworth Police, Fire and EMS3 Listeners