Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Ashtabula and East Geauga Counties Public Safety Also covering eastern lake county lake county sheriff Madison police Madison twp ,,, concord fire leroy fire perry fire and Madison fire | 18 Listeners |
Geauga County Public Safety Law enforcement & Fire/EMS dispatch. | 49 Listeners |
K8SGX Repeater 52.68 MHz Wide-area six meter repeater. Cleveland Skywarn backbone. | 0 Listeners |
W8OKE 147.015MHz Amateur Radio Repeater This is the official feed of the W8OKE repeater in Newbury, OH. We are on 147.015MHz with a +600KHz offset and a PL of 110.9. AllStarLink node 55564. This is a high-profile repeater located in Newbury, Ohio. | 0 Listeners |