
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Ashtabula and East Geauga Counties Public Safety
Also covering eastern lake county lake county sheriff Madison police Madison twp ,,, concord fire leroy fire perry fire and Madison fire
17 Listeners
Geauga County Public Safety
Law enforcement & Fire/EMS dispatch.
66 Listeners
K8SGX Repeater 52.68 MHz
Wide-area six meter repeater. Cleveland Skywarn backbone.
0 Listeners
W8OKE 147.015MHz Amateur Radio Repeater
This is the official feed of the W8OKE repeater in Newbury, OH. We are on 147.015MHz with a +600KHz offset and a PL of 110.9. AllStarLink node 55564. This is a high-profile repeater located in Newbury, Ohio.
0 Listeners