
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Asheville Area NOAA Weather Radio WXL564 Listeners
CSX Bostic Yard
Scanning CSX frequencies for operations in their Bostic Yard.
0 Listeners
N2GE 145.19MHz Repeater
6600 Net: Sat 21:00. Trade/Swap net: Thu 20:00. Usually active at night.
65 Listeners
Rutherford County Sheriff, Fire and EMS
Rutherford County VIPER system. Sheriff, Forest City PD, RPD, NCSHP Troop G, Fire, & EMS
83 Listeners
Western North Carolina CSX Rail - Lynn Gap
Scanning CSX frequencies for the Clinchfield mainline, Charlotte Sub, and Spartanburg Sub through western North and South Carolina.
2 Listeners