
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Central North Carolina Raleigh / Durham / Triangle Area Ham Radio Repeaters
Amateur Radio: NC 440 Carolina UHF Link System / KC4WDI Link System / K4ITL 145.21 Auburn Repeater / RARS 145.13 RTP Repeater / 442.675 NCSU Raleigh / 145.45 WR4AGC Durham
0 Listeners
NOAA Weather Radio Central NC (WXL58)
Raleigh / Durham / Triangle (RTP) area NOAA Weather Radio feed of 162.55 MHz. Covers these counties in central North Carolina: Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Randolph, Vance, Wake, Warren.
0 Listeners
Randolph County Sheriff, Fire and EMS
Only the following talkgroups are monitored. Enjoy! 38506 Randolph EMS 38507 Randolph EMS 2 38508 Randolph Fire Admin 38509 Randolph Fire Dispatch 38513 Randolph County Sheriffs Office 38514 Randolph County Sheriffs Office Randolph County 10
33 Listeners
Triad Area Weather NOAA Weather Radio WXL423 Listeners