Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Central North Carolina Raleigh / Durham / Triangle Area Ham Radio Repeaters Amateur Radio: NC 440 Carolina UHF Link System / KC4WDI Link System / K4ITL 145.21 Auburn Repeater / RARS 145.13 RTP Repeater / 442.675 NCSU Raleigh / 145.45 WR4AGC Durham | Offline |
EastCare Air Ops | 1 Listeners |
Greenville 09 Repeater | 0 Listeners |
Greenville Fire Rescue Feed is providing linked audio to Fire-Rescue Dispatch and primary on scene operations channel. Note- there is approx 35 second delay from actual audio. Additional channels are in the scan list from time to time for planned events. | 10 Listeners |
NC4ES DMR Repeater System | 0 Listeners |